Finding your Happiness, Healing, and Happily Ever After can be done. Sometimes it can be challenging; sometimes you just need a little help.

I’ve learned some sure-fire tools and techniques that can put you on the road to achieving this dream. No matter the wound, (molestation, rape, abandonment, etc), this program helps finds ways to make it bearable to heal from our trauma or dramas we’ve experienced, so that we can get on with having joy and creating happiness in our life.

Having someone to talk to who’s been through it, an empathetic ear, non-judgemental, helping you talk out the challenges, with objectivity is one of the keys of this program. There is a way to heal and find your happiness and finally have your happily ever after.

During this 8 week program, I work with you one on one through weekly calls, Zoom meetings, and text messages. So many of us women have lost touch with ourselves and our own needs and desires, separate from those of our children, spouse, family, and friends. The program includes some soul-searching homework that helps us reconnect to the essence of who we really are. There will be accountability check-ins text messages, some recommended resources, and some juicy bonuses, and of course, my non-judgmental listening ear to help guide you through this process.
I’m not going to lie, healing sometimes is not easy, but with the tools and techniques I used, it is attainable.
Remember, there is no judgment, no shame, and no guilt. Throughout this journey, you will be guided by a combination of your heart, your head, and your instincts.


During my 8 week program, I work with you one on one through weekly calls:

Week One: This session is all about getting real and honest about your journey. Will you finish? Am I the right coach? Are you the right client? Who are you? Where do you really want to go? What is your purpose in life? We will begin discovering more about who you REALLY are, and what you REALLY need and want to achieve in your life. Getting back to the essence of YOU is essential towards healing and creating your happiness. This is where we get to the core of your desires and what your Happily Ever After really looks like. We are all happy to the degree that we are on track and or living the lives we dream about and desire. This week we break those desires down and talk about what it would look like to be successfully happy in your life. I will be calling you to action and we will create the change in your life to create the happiness you truly want.

Week One Detox: What have you really gone through? We will begin this session by finding out who you really are and what you’ve really been through. We will determine if it would be advantageous for you to work with a therapist of your choosing as we open layers of your life and build the support system of your choosing to support you in creating your new life.

Week Two: The next session gets into the nitty-gritty of discovering your life purpose and the actions you take to create your new life. Creating your action plan with achievable milestones is the key. This is where we determine your “Priority Goals” and map out the plan for success. We will continue to add new practices, routines, and rituals, for your new quests.

Week Two Detox: We will discuss the breakdowns and breakthroughs from the week before. We will continue to build the structures to support you in your self-care as you continue down the path of your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.

Week Three: This is where we get into the psychology of Fun and its true role in helping to bring our dreams to life. We deep dive into exploring and experimenting with the things that really make you happy and bring you joy.

Week Three Detox: We will discuss the wins and losses from the previous week. We will put in place structures to deal with breakdowns from fear of success and fear of failure.

Week Four: The final session of this program helps you to create an action plan to do one of two things. Now that you’ve created and explored the new life you want, you can adjust your goals and milestones to what you now want. OR you can continue to develop and expand on the new plan and life you’ve created.

Week Four Detox: Celebrate your wins! You’ve come so far!


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